
What is Loop in Php

What is Loop? Loops are control structures that are used to repeat a given section of a code a certain number of times or till the particular condition is met. Loops in Php are mainly used to execute the same block of code a specific number of times.  Types of Loops For Loop   For Each Loop While Loop  Do while Loop For Loop : For loop is  used to iterate through a sequence or an array of data types or objects. The executions hinge upon a boolean condition(true or false). If the condition is true then the loop continues to execute but if the condition is false then the loop will break. Syntax of For Loop For Each Loop : For each loop as the name suggest that this loop is used to iterate through items of array/collections. Its main function is to iterate through each element of an array.  While Loop : The while loop is  used in executing a block of code if and till the condition expression is true. If the condition expressio...

Introduction To Python

Python   Python is an interpreted,high level general purpose programming language it is designed by Guido Van Rossum and was first released in the year 1991. Python has a philosophy of design that emphasizes on code reliability, notably using significant white spaces. Python features a dynamic type system and automatic memory management. The main feature of python is that it stores multiple programming para diagrams include object-oriented, imperative, functional and procedural and it has the large and comprehensive standard library. Python is mainly used for making GUI applications, websites and web applications. Python helps us to focus on core functionality of the application by taking care of programming tasks.    Importance Of Python  Readable,reliable and maintainable code Multiple programming para diagrams  Compatible with all the major platforms. It has robust standard library Many open source frameworks and tools. Simplify complex softw...

Introduction to Java

Java   Java is one of the popular programming language used in today's world. Java was firstly  appeared in May 1995. Java is basically computer programming language which is based on class based, object oriented.programming.  It is intended to build application. Its main feature is Write Once run anywhere(WORA).  It means that java code can run on any platform that  support java without the of recompilation. Java applications are compiled to byte code  that can run on any Java Virtual Machine(JVM). Java is secure it is used in many banking applications and it is used in building mobile applications due to its reliability. Advantages of Java  Java is platform independent.     Java is easy to learn and implement. Java is user and designer friendly. Java is robust. Java is secure. Java is used in app development.  For any kind of information on java and too know more about Java contact us at: 9911343087 and for furth...

Importance of OOPs in PHP.

IMPORTANCE OF OOPS IN PHP   OOPS stands for Object oriented programing structure. OOPs is one of the fundamental part of software development. OOPs is also used in web development languages like PHP. In PHP OOPs is used for organizing concepts around the data that is going to be presented. It's a kind of organizing things in a kitchen. Everything is organized separately at their places. The main reason why it is used is it is one of the best way to present the unorganized data to organized manner in front of the user. OOPs helps in providing the things in a functional manner. Some of the basic Concepts of OOPs are:  Abstraction  Encapsulation Inheritance Polymorphism   OOPS Life Cycle For any information regarding PHP or OOPs course contact us at: 9911343087. For further information visit our website:

Importance Of MVC In Php.

Importance Of MVC In Php MVC as the name suggests that MVC is Model View Controller. MVC is an architectural pattern that divide an application three main logical components. First is the model, second is the controller and third and the last one is controller.  Each of these components are build to handle the specific development process of an application. MVC architectures helps to divide a web application into several web models, views and controllers. Developers can use a MVC framework in PHP to keep the applications user interface and business logic layer separated. The basic principle of MVC is that application must be separated from presentation. MVC helps in faster development process . It helps in providing us multiple views. It has one of the main feature that the modification done in that without affecting the entire model.  MVC returns the data without formatting and the big advantage is that MVC is seo friendly. For any information regarding PHP or MVC o...

A Glance At Php

PHP Php is known as hypertext pre processor and it is also known as personal home page. Php is a server side language which is used for developing web applications. Php is widely and most famous programing language in the field of web development. Php is used for making dynamic and interactive websites. Dynamic websites are those websites it allow the user to access the website.  And one of the main features of PHP is that it is platform independent it can be run on any platform like window, linux, mac and it is free to use. It is mainly used due to the ease of use and the speed. Php offers library support and extensions which helps in providing additional facilities like graphic designing and image processing and Php is compatible with all servers. It is considered a highly efficient web language as functions working with URL'S and Html. It also offers various accessibility to various web based tools like : Google Maps and many more.  For live php project training ca...